
We Are Searching For IT Service Companies

For the development and growth of an IT group of companies, we are looking for the silent heroes of the tech industry: IT service companies.

Our specialty are transactions in the small cap sector. Our processes and structures enable us to integrate and actively manage companies that are normally too small for the market.


We are looking for companies in the field of managed services, voice over IP, print management, network management, exchange server management, server maintenance and all other tasks that arise in IT at the customer site.

We solve business successions

No matter if you want to stay on board as an owner and benefit from the growth spurt we bring or if you want to leave the company after a short time. We offer all paths.

Transaction Parameter

Your company must be established in the market. Startups can do better than other investors. You must have a good customer base and generate a positive EBITDA. You do NOT develop software, but are the external IT department of your customers. You have a revenue of at least USD 1 million and at least 5 permanent employees.

If all this is true, then we should talk. We would be happy to get to know each other and exchange ideas. We are fast and make very good offers.

Let’s talk.

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