Are You Ready For Buy And Build?
Developing your own Buy & Build strategy is complex and requires a lot of resources. Most companies know Buy & Build only from large corporations or private equity firms, which use such a concept to increase the value of the managed portfolio in order to resell the finished construct with a good return.
Consequently, it takes a lot of experience to realize such a concept. Corporate transactions are one of the most capital intensive investments in the life cycle of a company. The risk is correspondingly high and requires professional advice.
How to start?
Many entrepreneurs ask themselves this question. Especially in the tech industry, early planning is worthwhile, as growing product maturity often results in rapid growth. This leads to enormous costs and lack of resources.
We have developed a Readiness Check for this early phase of consideration, which interrogates the neuralgic points of a Buy & Build concept in your company and generates recommendations for action.
You will be surprised which areas in your company are affected and we promise you that there are areas, situations and processes you have not thought of yet.
Our Readiness Check uses thoughtful questions to put the 13 most important areas of your business through their paces. Based on their answers, our experienced consultants can assess what makes their company tick and identify clear areas for action.
What happens next?
Once we have worked through the Readiness Check together, it has proven effective for us to hold a one-day workshop with you. We come to you. If Covid does not currently allow it, we will find premises where we can exchange ideas safely and at a distance.
Based on the evaluations of the Readiness Check we are able to work out the best concept for you to buy and integrate companies.
The Readiness Check offers the ideal prerequisites for a well thought-out and successful Buy & Build strategy. Feel free to contact us and arrange a meeting. We will be happy to assist you professionally and experienced in your exciting project.